
Student Blogging Challenge: Week 3 – Activity 6. Find 5 images that create a story.






Again, I have chosen to use my own images of some of my sketches. These definitely aren’t my best sketches, but I thought they made quite a good story.

Yours faithfully,



Disclaimer: All the sketches, drawings, artworks and selected photos that I post on my blog are my own pieces and are all subject to copyright under my blog and my name. 



Line and Shadow

Okay!! I know I said in my “All About Me” page that you might see a bit of my art on here.  I also know that I haven’t posted anything with pictures of my artwork yet… So, four months later, I think it is definitely time to share some.

As well as my writing and photography (some of which you have already seen), I like to pursue in many other forms of art.

I do puppeteering, dancing, painting, designing, sketching, and so much more. Some forms I am better at than others, and some forms undoubtedly prefer more. My favourite – at least at the moment – is sketching.

I love the way you have so much…freedom! A sketch can be rough, or detailed, have smooth or jagged, harsh lines. A piece can be realistic or abstract. Flowing or solid. It could be drawn in graphite or charcoal! You know, I could go on forever about the endless variations and possibilities to sketching.

So, without further ado, here are some of my favourite, and most recent sketches! Each has a little caption below it as to how or why I drew it, I hope you all like them.


28/02/2016 – I wanted to keep this piece feeling relatively neutral, yet, a bit sad, which is where the tear drop comes in. Funnily enough, in the reflection of the eye, I have been told people see a house roof, a city, and even a person. What do you see? I found this piece quite time consuming, but I definitely enjoyed it.



01/03/2016 – I wanted to draw something feminine, but I also knew I had to practice drawing body parts for my upcoming visual arts testing at John Curtin School of the Arts. I drew this looking at my own hand (leaving out all the ugly nicks and cuts of course).



I forgot to date this one- but I remember it was about a week before my visual arts testing. The nerves were starting to kick in as my entire future could be affected by the results of my test! I think the jagged and harsh lines represent a bit of what I was feeling. Like my previous hand sketch, I also drew this looking at my own hand. It was really fun to experiment with line and shadow on this piece.



A few days before school holidays are over. I’m nervous because not only is NAPLAN coming up, but I will get the results from John Curtin soon as to whether I am accepted or not. This sketch I did in about 5 minutes, so I don’t think I am finished, but to me, it kind of represents the last breath of relaxing and getting ready for the busy times ahead.


There you have it! I know it’s a little bit (or a lot) shorter than some of my other posts, but hey, at least this one has pictures! *hehe*

If anyone wants me to post more of my photography, or photos of my artwork, I would be happy to, just let me know in the comments!

Yours faithfully,
