If you’ve read my post “Life is a Journey“, you’ll know that I’ve recently become interested in slam poetry. If you haven’t heard of slam poetry before, I strongly recommend watching Sarah Kay’s “If I should have a Daughteror Shane Koyczan’s “To This Day“.

There isn’t really a definition for slam poetry, but as I understand it, it is a form of poetry that is often performed as speech, but in an emotional, passionate, and sometimes harsh way. It’s similar to spoken word poetry, though the poetry itself is rather powerful, emotive and sincere. I’ve found that many slam poems are either very meaningful or relatable.  I think it is a beautiful way of performing one’s experiences, stories, or struggles.

Anyway, after investigating the concept of slam poetry, I really wanted to write a piece. I’ve found that, if you’re not inspired to something, or don’t have a strong idea, it can be hard to start something new. So, I didn’t rush into it. Instead, I pondered ideas and phrases for what felt like a few weeks (and knowing me, it probably was that long).

One day as I was walking on the beach, ideas hit me like a tonne of bricks, and all of a sudden I had about five verses of a poem!

It was a few days later that I finally had a chance to write all of my ideas down, and actually construct a poem (I wasn’t just procrastinating I promise, I just got really busy ;p). Anyway, after lots of writing, and editing, and re-writing, I finally had my very first slam poem!

So, I thought I would put it on the blog, that way I can find out if it’s any good, as well as something for you guys to read. Just a forewarning; it is a bit sad.

The Bullied

When you wake up, you start to raise your guards.

Start to re-build the barriers around your heart that were broken and burdened the day before.

Because you know that when they wake up, they won’t hesitate to start re-loading the names and insults that they threw at you.

And when you look in the mirror, you hope to see your barriers and defences stronger than they ever were before.

But all you see is a broken building, with blackened windows and breaking structure, crumbling and exhausted from the bullets and bombs it absorbs every single day.

And when you go to school, you imagine being greeted by all of your friends who have this great plan for the weekend…

Instead, you slink into the crowd, un-noticed and un-recognised except by the bullies who hurl insults at your face, and taunts at your heart.

Then you are noticed…

They all notice…

And they laugh…

And for the rest of the day, you hide.

At the back of classrooms, uncalled on by teacher, uncalled on by peers, uncalled on by the world.

And you eat lunch in an empty stall room, away from hallways and cafeterias because that’s where they’ll be waiting!

And last week it was the bathroom but now they know where you’ve been hiding and they’ll be waiting for you there as well.

And when the final bell rings you run, hoping to escape before they do because otherwise they’ll be waiting for you at the gate…

And on your way home, you imagine kind eyes and a warm embrace and lips that read “well done baby, take a break”.

But all you find is an empty house, and a note that says “dinner’s in the oven, I’ll see you tomorrow”.

Without even an “x” or an “o” or a small heart or three simple words that read “I love you”.

And when you feel your eyes beginning to burn, you run, this time to the ocean.

And when you get there you throw yourself in, hoping that the waves and the currents can wash away the heartache.

And for a second you think it’s all gone…

But when you come up for a breath, you realise it was only the piercing cold that numbed the pain.

And you think, maybe it would have been easier to stay down there…

Because when you finally get out, the sand is always there to remind you that the pain might never go away.

And that it will always be there…waiting.

And when the sky cries that night, you cry with it, letting your tears fall to your chest, as if it were an attempt to wash away the sorrows that you hold there.

And even when the sky is done, you continue.

You cry until your clothes cling to your body, and your sheets are cold.

You cry, until your body is so exhausted that you finally fall asleep, and prepare yourself…

For the next day.


I was actually quite surprised with myself in writing this. I had no idea that this would be what my first piece would be about. I would tell you I don’t know where the inspiration came from, but that would be a lie. I had lots of inspiration: Some from my own experiences, and what I feel after a hard day, some from others’ experiences, some from other poems. It’s more that…I’m not sure where I got the drive from. Although, wherever it came from, I’m glad it did.

So, that was my first slam poem. I know it’s a bit sad, but I like it. I hope you all did too! I may or may not post anything before the school holidays, but I will definitely try.

Yours faithfully,




Easiest Cookies Ever!

Okay, so this blog might be a little bit random as far as posts go, but hopefully you all still enjoy it.

Recently I came across a cookie recipe that is absolutely amazing. This recipe is so easy and has so many variations, the possibilities are literally endless. So, without further-a-do, here it is.

The Easiest Cookies Ever!

Makes 90 – 120 cookies


  • 500g Softened Butter (or you can substitute half of the butter (250g) for 1 Egg and 1 tablespoon of Milk)
  • 1 Tin (395g) Condensed Milk
  • 1cup Sugar
  • 5cups Self Raising Flour (or you can substitute 1 cup of flour for 1 cup of Custard Powder to make a softer, less “floury” biscuit)

Note: This recipe makes a LOT of dough. Because the dough is very stiff, sometimes I find it easier to just fold through the flour lightly, and then turn out the dough onto a clean bench to and mix or “kneed” the dough with my hands until it comes together nicely.


  1. Preheat over to 180oc (160oc Fan Forced)
  2. Cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy
  3. Add the condensed milk and sifted flour (and custard powder if you are using it), mix to form a stiff dough.
  4. Add the flavours of your choice (see below) and fold into the dough.
  5. Roll into teaspoon sized balls and press down with a fork or the palm of your hands. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in oven for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.

Some flavour suggestions:

  • Chocolate chip or white chocolate chip
  • Cornflakes and sultanas
  • Hundreds and Thousands
  • Malted Milk
  • Milo and coconut
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jam drops
  • Chocolate (add cocoa)
  • Chocolate with Dried Ginger
  • Dried Apricot with ginger and rolled in coconut.
  • White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut.
  • Sultana and Orange Zest
  • Sandwich two together with custard icing
  • Dip the uncooked dough into coloured raw sugar (add food colouring to raw sugar).

This recipe is so delicious and so easy! I have made a few variations to this recipe, though I got the original recipe from https://www.stayathomemum.com.au. They have some really cool recipes on their site, including Tim Tam Balls (Yum!)

I hope you all enjoyed this post!

Yours faithfully,


Life is a Journey

One of the most common questions I am asked by people is “what do you want to do when you are older?”

This question always stumps me. I’ll often answer with something like “oh, I don’t really know” or “I’m interested in a lot of things”. But the truth is, how am I to know what I want to be when I grow up, if I don’t even know what I want to do now!

This is actually something that has been on my mind for a while now. You see, a few years ago, when I was in Year 7, I thought I had it all figured out. I thought I wanted to go away to John Curtin or Perth Modern or some amazing art school. I thought I wanted to pursue a career in the visual arts. I didn’t want to perform or dance, I didn’t like writing, I just wanted to be accepted into somewhere bigger!

Now, I’m not sure I want to leave… The other night, I was tossing up the good and bad of going away to a school in Perth. Turns out, there are more things here that I would miss than the new things and opportunities I would have in Perth. I would miss the beach. I would miss the quiet. I would miss the freedom. I would miss the safety to walk around town by myself. I would miss a lot of things.

Now, I’m not even sure if the visual arts are what I want to create a future from. The last two years of the Zest Fest have given me so many opportunities and have taught me so much. Now, I do want to perform, I like writing and journaling, I like dancing, I like being in a small school.

Recently, I’ve also discovered a lot of new things that I am really quite keen to have a go at. Things like slam poetry and puppeteering and photography. I have always loved the arts, and I think I am just starting to discover how diverse that area is. All of my new interests are somehow connected to or involve the arts, whether they be completely ordinary or extremely unusual.

I guess, the lesson I’ve learnt – and that I’m still learning, is that your interests change with time. I thought I was set, I thought I knew what I was interested in and what I wanted to do. But, I really don’t know at all.

Yesterday, I came across a quote by Fabienne Fredrickson.

Know what you want to doI have to disagree with what she is saying here. Just because I don’t know what I want, doesn’t mean I haven’t already succeeded at life.

I don’t really care that I don’t know what I want to do at the moment. But I don’t see that as a failure.

I am happy with where I am right now. I am content with the way things are at school and home. I love where I live. I love that I have the opportunity to try as many new things as I want until I reach my heart’s desire and finally find out exactly what I want to do. I don’t know what I want, but I am, happy, and I’m enjoying life! That…that is what I call a success.

This morning, I came across another quote, this time by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I thought that was beautiful!

Maybe you do have a destination, or a goal that your heart is set to achieve, and that is excellent! Maybe you don’t know what you want to do right this second. It doesn’t matter!

Life is a journey. It’s something that needs exploring. It should take you places that you never thought you would go! Show you things you never thought you would see and give you opportunities you never thought you would experience.

Well, those are my thoughts on “life choices”. Let me know yours!

Yours faithfully






Crazy Mind Tangents

You know those nights where you toss and turn and you just…can’t…get…to sleep! Then you start to go over all the things that have happened to you recently. Like how you totally could have won that card game if you weren’t so soft on the other players, or how you have that test first thing tomorrow morning, or “oh no! I forgot to do that art essay that I was supposed to do 2 days ago!!”

Yeah, I do that, and the next thing you know it’s…Oh My Gosh its 11:59 already!

So then, you try to tell yourself to go to sleep.


But that doesn’t work, because you just end up spiralling into another tangent about something completely crazy!

I also do that. The other night my mind went off onto one of its mind tangents, I came up with the most insane notions.

Like, what if the whole world was the same temperature all the time. I mean, 25 degrees everywhere, all day, every day, forever!

For one, every continent would have the same climate. So, that would also mean that every continent has same flora and fauna, because the climate wouldn’t be right for anything else to survive! I mean, I think, if the plants and animals didn’t go through some rapid adaption, then we would literally lose at least 50% of them all because they wouldn’t have the right conditions to survive! There would be no polar ice-caps, no snow, no ice, no deserts, no tropical rainforests, everything would just be the same! Same animals, same plants! North America, same, Australia, same, Europe, exactly the same!

And then, what if you wanted to travel somewhere? The only reason you would really travel would be for work or lifestyle, or to see some famous building or visit a relative. Never for an adventure or an amazing nature journey! Never to see that wondrous animal in its natural habitat because you can see it in your own country. Can you imagine? “Oh hey I wonder what they have in that country, oh that’s right! Exactly the same as we have!”

Also, what would happen to the wind and sea breezes. They affect the temperature, right! But, winds are only caused by the change in air temperature, and the constant movement of warm and cold air. So, if there was no temperature change, then there wouldn’t be any wind, so there would be no temperature change!!

I went on like this for… I don’t know how long, but it was very late by the time I actually fell asleep.

So, that was my crazy mind tangent! This was actually really hard to write because I wasn’t sure which things to include, because you know when you’re thinking about something and your mindisjustgoingsofast that you trip over your own thoughts and you’re not really sure where to begin! I do that too.

Hopefully I am not the only one that does this…let me know in the comments!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed!

Yours faithfully,





Beautiful Moments

Isn’t it amazing the way an idea can come to us! Sometimes, it will hit you like a tonne of bricks, and make you gasp from the sudden spurt of inspiration. Other times, an idea will start small, and develop with time. Like a seed growing into a majestic, magnificent tree!

That’s the way my idea came to me. Like a seed, and it grew. The task at hand was to do a creative writing piece. The prompt; a short video of soft waves, lapping the shore at sunset.

It made me think of a picture I took the other day, whilst going for a stroll along the beach. Short and sweet, here is the story I came up with.

Beautiful Moments

I sit on the sand, with my feet extended, letting the waves roll up the beach and lap at my toes. This is my favourite thing to do. Just to sit, with my hands buried in the sand. With my eyes closed, listening to the waves. It calms me.

The ocean is an amazing place. Powerful and dangerous, yet so beautiful and serene. There is so much life there. Yet, all that life, it can all be taken away so easily. Just as if someone has flicked a switch. The once gentle, rolling ocean can change, and develop a savage, angry, destructive nature.

The tide is coming in, I can feel the waves reaching higher and higher up my calves. I shuffle back again, now the waves are only just reaching my ankles. God knows how long I have been sitting here. 20 minutes? 40 minutes? An hour? The sun is lower now. In half an hour it will be completely gone. I stretch my legs and stand up, I have to start heading back.

I walk slowly along the water’s edge, watching the waves lap the shore. I ponder as I walk.

There is so much we don’t know about the sea. So many great depths we haven’t explored. So much life, beautiful life we have yet to discover. But, do we really need to. We have already destroyed the land. Influenced with all our houses and suburbia. What would happen to the ocean then, if we went and explored, revealing all its secrets? Would we learn from our mistakes? Or would we do the same as we did with the land, destroying all of its natural beauty. Altering its landscapes to our own, selfish needs.

I exit my trance, and look up. I’ve walked too far. The sun, balances on the water, glowing golden against the deep saphire of the ocean. I become caught in the moment, fixated at the wonderous view. I should keep walking, I’ll be late otherwise. But I don’t. I stop and savour the moment. I see this every day, yet the view never fails to amaze me.

When the sun is almost gone, and the light is fading, I make my way back. Sad to leave, but content nonetheless. Beautiful. That’s the only word I can use to describe those few moments. Absolutely, naturally, and utterly beautiful.


Kalbarri Sunset – A truly beautiful moment.

I find the beach is a beautiful place to go to and just…be. To wander, swim, or sit and watch the sunset. To ponder ideas and contemplate life, or to let go of all your thoughts, emotions, troubles, and to just Zen.  There is something truly breathtaking about the beach that never fails to leave me awestruck. Whether it be the way the waves catch the light of the setting sun or how the current makes patterns in the water. Whatever it be, there is hardly a time when I leave the beach without feeling very, very content.

So, there you have it. My very first blog post! I hope you all enjoyed.

Yours faithfully,
