Who is She?

Student Blogging Challenge: Week 1 – Activity 1; Create an avatar/Write a post about your avatar

If you’ve been on my blog, or seen any of my posts on the class blog, you will have simageeen my little avatar hovering in the corner of the page.

For the last… I don’t know, say, 8 months, I’ve used one of my own personal pictures as my avatar. I’ve always liked this picture and felt that it represented me quite well. The first thing that I see is the colours. Yes, I have got a bazaar filter over the top of it, but I like it. I think the colours somewhat represent myself as an artist; new, inexperienced, yet optimistic, fun, and successful.

I also like the photo because, well, how many photos do you see with a rainbow filter? Hardley any! If a photo does have a rainbow filter, you either love it or hate it. The stuff that I do, my projects, my art, what I write about, it might not be for everyone. I like to go against the grain; be independent, different. Sometimes it works for me, sometimes not. Just like a rainbow filter, I guess!

There are a lot of reasons as to why I’ve chosen this photo as my avatar. But I think if I went on, I could write a full page analysing it…

So, with that, I will move on to my next avatar.



This avatar is just a bitmoji from my account, which I am using at the moment for the Student Blogging Challenge. It’s my favourite one, though I kind of see it/her as my ‘alter ego’. Again, it (kind of) represents my artistic side. She has curly blond hair – although mine is much curlier, I assure you. Umm, I also think she looks a bit cheeky, which I like. People who don’t know me well will say I am anything but cheeky, but in some cases, I could say otherwise.

So, those are the two avatars that I am using at the moment. I’m not sure how long I will keep up my bitmoji one. It might be for a few weeks, perhaps longer. I haven’t decided yet.

Anyway, that is my little description of how I think my two avatars represent me. I’d actually really like to hear whether people agree with me or not, since everyone interprets things a different way. Let me know in the comments!

Yours faithfully,



Student Blogging Challenge: Week 2 – Activity 5: Visit other student or class blogs & Write a post on your blog

One of the aims for the Student Blogging Challenge is to actually get students from around the world to visit each others’ blogs and communicate; to make connections and friendships! So, naturally, one of the criteria and activities for the Student Blogging Challenge was to go and visit other people’s blogs and leave comments.

I’ve visited quite a few blogs. My plan was to post a comment and leave the page open so I could still see it, then come back, copy it, and include it in this post. Unfortunately, things rarely like to go according to plan. My computer crashed before I could copy all of the comments, so I only managed to save a few.

Although, ‘some’ is better than ‘none’! Below are a few comments that I have left on people’s blogs:

On Ingrid’s post, Harmony:

Hey Ingrid,
Your writing is really beautiful! I love your use of adjectives and description. It has a beautiful ‘flowing’ vibe to it!
I play/am teaching myself a bit of piano, but I don’t get much time to practice. I’ve always loved listening to flutes though. If I had been in a larger school a few years ago perhaps I would have taken up lessons!
You visited my blog a while ago and left a lovely comment. I left a reply on my post:https://9grace.edublogs.org/2016/09/07/lets-take-a-break/
I hope you continue visiting my blog, and we can keep talking!
Yours faithfully,

On Parker’s post, Braiding:

Hey Parker!
I love this post. I think it’s a really cool idea! I love braiding, I will often braid my friends’ hair at school at lunch time. My favourite braid to do in other people’s hair is a zipper braid, it looks extremely complicated but is actually quite simple. Here is a youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TEBfvmH2f0
You visited my blog before and asked me about places to see in Australia. I left a reply on my post:https://9grace.edublogs.org/2016/08/11/travel/
I hope we can keep chatting!
Yours faithfully

And on Jahaira’s post, What are you really learning at School?:

Hi Jahaira,
My name is Grace. I really like your post. I’ve pondered this subject many times myself and I think we have similar opinions towards it. I wrote a similar post myself for Blog Action Day, I’d love for you to check it out:https://9grace.edublogs.org/2016/10/20/what-were-taught/
Oh, I’d also like to ask; if you could, how would you improve/alter the school system?
Yours faithfully,

Ah, yeah, there are some of my comments. I’ve really liked each of the posts that I’ve commented on, so I urge you all to check out the blogs listed above.

Yours faithfully,
