Joke’s on You

Student Blogging Challenge: Week 3 – Activity 3. Find an image or piece of music & write a poem relating to it.



a deep breath in,

squeaks and snorts,

breath in again,

a slap,

multiple slaps,

because there is nothing else you can do.

falling to the ground,

holding yourself,


each other,



you thought I was writing about something violent,

now the joke’s on you….

Laughing Uncontrollably

Well, that was interesting!!

I haven’t included a picture in this post because my inspiration actually came from a quite ~unflattering~, yet utterly hilarious snapchat message of one of my close friends laughing.

That poem was actually really fun to write. At first, I just started describing all the different actions that go along with laughing, but it sounded…well, it was not what I was aiming for. That, however, meant that I was able to give the poem two meanings almost, and completely alter the way it could be interpreted. Being able to turn a poem on its head like I just did is something that I always love to do because it makes the reader think about the words they have just taken in. Tricking people minds is always fun.

Well, I had fun just now!

Yours faithfully,




2 thoughts on “Joke’s on You

  1. Eeman

    Hi Grace,
    Wow, that was a really great post, you are actually a very good writer. Your poem was amazing, I loved it. It was really neat how you knew that the readers were thinking that the poem was about something violent, and then you said how the joke is now on us, that was really well done. My favourite part was the ending, when you simply wrote “Laughs Uncontollably”, that part was quite funny. I will surely be keeping an eye on your blog.😇
    Fly on,

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